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   Wood Group Pratt & Whitney (WGPW) is the leader in the overhaul of GG4, FT4 gas generators, free turbines, and other aero derivative turbines, in addition to providing FT4 spare parts and technical support.


In-house capabilities at this dedicated engine and free turbine facility includes, overhaul and repair, inspections, modular maintenance and component and control repairs. Significant experience with GG3, GG4, FT4 overhaul and repair services has positioned WGPW as an industry leader. WGP&W now handles FT4 spare parts sales and all technical support previously provided by Pratt & Whitney. WGPW has acquired Pratt & Whitney’s entire FT4 inventory, when combined with our existing stock, provides an inventory valued at well over $40 million. A fully equipped test facility is completely designed to provide instant printout of observed test data corrected to OEM specifications for the GG3, GG4, and FT4.


Wood Group Pratt & Whitney’s experience and technical expertise, together with original design and manufacturing specifications gives the best GG3, GG4, FT4 support in the industry.

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